Beats by Dre Release Wireless 90-Year Edition Mickey Mouse Headphones

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Beats by Dre has just released a special edition of Mickey Mouse Solo wireless headphones3. This device is the result of collaboration between Disney, Beats, and rapper Lil Yachty. Currently Mickey Mouse Solo 3 has not been sold, and will only be available on November 11th.

For those who are interested in hunting this special edition headphones, they can do pre-order via Amazon’s online shop for 330 US dollars. This device will be available at the Apple Store, Disney, and Best Buy starting November.

This special edition of Beats Solo3 Wireless headphones offer the same features as the regular version where the battery strength is disrupted for up to 40 hours of service. Moreover, these headphones are supported by an efficient Apple W1 chip, which displays Bluetooth Class 1 connectivity for good range and signal strength.

In addition to headphones, buyers will get an attractive box, a pin that is suitable for collection, a special sticker, a 3.5 mm RemoteTalk cable and a universal USB charger cable. These headphones are compatible with Android smartphones and iPhones.

Source: Phonearena