Facebook’s messaging service, WhatsApp messenger, will limit the number of forward or forwarded message recipients to only five recipients. This was done to prevent “false information and rumors”. “We are implementing a limit of five messages throughout the world today,” said Victoria Grand, vice president for WhatsApp policies and communications
Previously, WhatsApp users could forward messages to 20 people or groups. The limitation of the five recipients was expanded globally by WhatsApp following the events in India in July last year after the occurrence of the game itself was the result of the spread of negative news.
WhatsApp, which has around 1.5 billion users, has been trying to find ways to stop app abuse, following global concerns that the application is used to spread fake or hoax news, manipulate photos, videos without context, and audio hoaxes, which are difficult to monitor. End to end encryption allows users to exchange text, photos and videos without being able to be checked by anyone, even the platform itself.
WhatsApp will launch an update to activate this feature.