After the previous Ring Solar Eclipse, this time the Indonesian people would be able to observe the occurrence of the Penumbra Moon Eclipse.
The first lunar eclipse in 2020 will occur on Saturday, 11 January 2020 at 00.07 WIB.
The GBP peak will be observed at 02.10 WIB.
Penumbra eclipse will end at 04.12 WIB.
This event can be seen without using a telescope.
Unlike the solar eclipse, the lunar eclipse phenomenon can also be seen directly without using eclipse glasses or other special tools.
Then, what is the difference between Penumbra and another lunar eclipse?
Quoted from Earth Sky, there are three types of lunar eclipses: Total lunar eclipse, partial lunar eclipse, and Penumbra lunar eclipse.
It was explained, in a total lunar eclipse, the inside of the shadow of the Earth, called the umbra, fell on the face of the moon.
In the middle of the eclipse, the entire moon is in shadow, which allows blood to appear red.
While in a partial lunar eclipse, the umbra only covers a small part of the moon.
Whereas in the penumbra eclipse, only the more scattered outer shadows of the Earth fall on the moon’s face.
Therefore, penumbra lunar eclipses are more difficult to observe, than total or partial lunar eclipses.
Meanwhile, BMKG on its official page describes the lunar eclipse as an event when the sun’s light is blocked by the Earth so that not all of it reaches the Moon.
This event, which is one of the consequences of the dynamic movement of the Sun, Earth and Moon positions, only occurs during the full moon phase and can be predicted in advance.
Penumbra lunar eclipses are events when the Moon enters the Earth’s penumbra shadows, so that the Moon can still be seen with a dimmer light.
Head of LAPAN’s Dissemination Center for Space Science Dr. E. Sungging, M.Si confirmed the information.
“Yes, that’s right. Penumbra eclipse passed through Indonesia on January 11, 2020,”