The hottest planet in the solar system is Venus.
It is not the nearest to the Sun, in actuality.
Venus itself has a maximum temperature of 471 degrees Celsius.
Tin is expected to melt at this temperature.
Why is Venus such a hot planet?
Here is a justification.
the planet’s causes Venus is sweltering.
According to Cool Cosmos, Venus is extremely hot due of its thick atmosphere, which is approximately 100 times greater than the atmosphere on Earth.
Venus’ atmosphere allows sunlight to get through, which heats up the planet’s surface. Due to Venus’ extremely dense atmosphere, most of this heat cannot escape back into space.
Venus resembles an extremely bright star in appearance. (Cirana Merisa) Heat is trapped and accumulates until Venus’ surface is extremely hot. Because it resembles how the glass of a greenhouse traps heat, the atmosphere’s ability to trap heat is known as the “greenhouse effect.”
According to Space, Venus has very high temperatures and an extremely hot atmosphere that is primarily made of carbon dioxide with sulfuric acid clouds and very little water.
Venus has a heavier atmosphere than the other planets, which results in a 90-fold increase in surface pressure compared to Earth.
As an example, the pressure on Venus is comparable to the pressure at 1,000 meters below the surface of the ocean.(*)
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